I am developing a MEAN application. I use passport for authentication - local, facebook and google strategies.
I am using angularjs client. All routing is done by the client. I only use apis server data.
When using the passport-facebook strategy, I use the code below on the node server according to the passport documents.
app.get('/auth/facebook',passport.authenticate('facebook-auth', { scope : ['email'] })); app.get('/auth/facebook/callback',passport.authenticate('facebook-auth', { successRedirect : '/home', failureRedirect : '/login', scope:['email'] }));
The problem I am facing is when the user clicks the "Sign in with Facebook" button
<a href="/auth/facebook" class="btn"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> Sign in using Facebook</a>
The client will have access to the "/ auth / facebook" route, which will ultimately redirect the user to the facebook page to verify the user's credentials.
After successful verification, the user will be redirected to the "/ home" route, as defined in the "successRedirect" value.
Now the thing is, I want to use a custom callback function instead of defining a redirect for success or failure. It will look like this:
app.get('/auth/facebook/callback',passport.authenticate('facebook-auth', function(err,user,info){ if(err){ throw err; } else if(user === 'userexists'){ res.json({ 'state':false, 'message':'User with this e-mail already exists' }); } else{ req.logIn(user,function(loginErr){ if(loginErr){ throw loginErr; } res.json({ 'state':true, 'message':'You logged in successfully!' }); }); } }));
The root problem that I encountered here, I cannot use above the usual callback, because the Client does not call the route "auth / facebook / callback", it is called on facebook. Thus, there is no success handler waiting to catch the clientβs response back.
I want some way to get a response in json form on the client, to eliminate server-side redirection, as well as a way to pass the message and username to the client after successful authentication using facebook.
I'm going to drop my passport. Waiting for any possible solution before removing a lot of code!