ReCAPTCHA in the form: "This reCAPTCHA is currently running on the local host."

I am using reCAPTCHA on localhost . I already have a key for the site and a secret key. Although almost everything works as expected, I get this message within the form .

In HTML, I only have this line:

<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="<Here I have put my site-key>"></div> 

Does anyone know how to delete this message or the reason for the appearance of this message?

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3 answers

I see it too. The message is probably just a warning, and it only appeared 1-2 days ago in my development environment. It does not appear at the stage of staging or production.

I am also sure that this does not affect the behavior of reCAPTCHA: Using reCAPTCHA on localhost


As another poster said, Google just added this when launched locally. If you really don't like to see this, you can override the .rc-anchor-alert class to display: none.


its about time! I spent so much time solving reCAPTCHA problems on localhost when testing form submission


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