Starting with Xcode 5, the debugger can show you a visual representation of the UIImage / CGImageRef variables!
Xcode itself cannot do this. I do not know about external tools.
What I do to check images during debugging is to convert this raw data to an image file format, such as .png, and then save it somewhere, and then open the image using any image viewer.
I have a piece of code for this purpose that looks basically like this:
NSData *imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(self.myUIImage); [imageData writeToURL:desktopURL atomically:YES];
And I just copy this code where I want to see the contents of the image on the go.
Be sure to get rid of this code as quickly as possible due to the high cost of converting UIImage
to NSData
Avraham Shukron Feb 20 2018-11-21T00: 00Z
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