View. You can activate the E_NOTICE
level in your bug report . (The list of constants is here .)
Each use of the undeclared variable E_NOTICE
errors E_STRICT
will give you these notifications as well as other tips on how to optimize your code.
Script completion
If you are really serious and want your script to exit rather than just display a notification when an undeclared variable is detected, you can create your own error handler .
A working example that processes only E_NOTICE
with an "undefined variable" in them and passes everything else to the default PHP error handler:
<?php error_reporting(E_STRICT); function terminate_missing_variables($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (($errno == E_NOTICE) and (strstr($errstr, "Undefined variable"))) die ("$errstr in $errfile line $errline"); return false;
Pekka ์ Jul 07 '10 at 8:29 2010-07-07 08:29
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