I have a query in a stored procedure that calls some linked servers with some dynamic SQL. I understand that EF doesn't like this, so I specifically listed all the columns that will be returned. However, this is still not like it. What am I doing wrong here? I just want EF to be able to detect the columns returned from the stored procedure so that I can create the classes that I need.
See the following code for the last lines of my stored procedure:
SELECT #TempMain.ID, #TempMain.Class_Data, #TempMain.Web_Store_Class1, #TempMain.Web_Store_Class2, #TempMain.Web_Store_Status, #TempMain.Cur_1pc_Cat51_Price, #TempMain.Cur_1pc_Cat52_Price, #TempMain.Cur_1pc_Cat61_Price, #TempMain.Cur_1pc_Cat62_Price, #TempMain.Cur_1pc_Cat63_Price, #TempMain.Flat_Length, #TempMain.Flat_Width, #TempMain.Item_Height, #TempMain.Item_Weight, #TempMain.Um, #TempMain.Lead_Time_Code, #TempMain.Wp_Image_Nme, #TempMain.Wp_Mod_Dte, #TempMain.Catalog_Price_Chg_Dt, #TempMain.Description, #TempMain.Supersede_Ctl, #TempMain.Supersede_Pn, TempDesc.Cust_Desc, TempMfgr.Mfgr_Item_Nbr, TempMfgr.Mfgr_Name, TempMfgr.Vendor_ID FROM #TempMain LEFT JOIN TempDesc ON #TempMain.ID = TempDesc.ID LEFT JOIN TempMfgr ON #TempMain.ID = TempMfgr.ID
sql-server temp-tables entity-framework-4
cjbarth Aug 20 2018-11-11T00: 00Z
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