To develop the Google Maps application in android, the first step is to get the Google API (containing maps.jar). If it is not in the Eclipse IDE, you can download it in eclipse by going to Windows> Android sdk manager> ... then select the required Google API. Create a new AVD for use as a Google API. This is where you launch the Google Maps app.
To get the MD5 fingerprint, run the following command in cmd
keytool.exe -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C: \ Documents and Settings \ Administrator .android \ debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android
Before executing this command, 1. change the cmd path to the location of keytool.exe, which is usually located inside the program files> java> bin 2. double includeinside quotes enter the path to your android keystore which can be found in> preferences> android> build
while these problems that I encountered were Error 1.keytool: java.lang.RuntimeException: usage error and is not a legal command ---- due to unwanted 2.tried spaces to insert the -v command for verbose
After receiving MD5, go to the following link . com / android / maps-api-signup.html and log in to your google account. To get a key that you can use in your application.
user1239556 Mar 24 2018-12-12T00: 00Z
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