Python statsmodels: help using ARIMA model for time series

ARIMA from statsmodels gives me inaccurate answers for my output. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what is wrong with my code.

This is an example:

import pandas as pd import numpy as np import datetime as dt from statsmodels.tsa.arima_model import ARIMA # Setting up a data frame that looks twenty days into the past, # and has linear data, from approximately 1 through 20 counts = np.arange(1, 21) + 0.2 * (np.random.random(size=(20,)) - 0.5) start = dt.datetime.strptime("1 Nov 01", "%d %b %y") daterange = pd.date_range(start, periods=20) table = {"count": counts, "date": daterange} data = pd.DataFrame(table) data.set_index("date", inplace=True) print data count date 2001-11-01 0.998543 2001-11-02 1.914526 2001-11-03 3.057407 2001-11-04 4.044301 2001-11-05 4.952441 2001-11-06 6.002932 2001-11-07 6.930134 2001-11-08 8.011137 2001-11-09 9.040393 2001-11-10 10.097007 2001-11-11 11.063742 2001-11-12 12.051951 2001-11-13 13.062637 2001-11-14 14.086016 2001-11-15 15.096826 2001-11-16 15.944886 2001-11-17 17.027107 2001-11-18 17.930240 2001-11-19 18.984202 2001-11-20 19.971603 

The rest of the code sets up the ARIMA model.

 # Setting up ARIMA model order = (2, 1, 2) model = ARIMA(data, order, freq='D') model = print model.predict(1, 20) 2001-11-02 1.006694 2001-11-03 1.056678 2001-11-04 1.116292 2001-11-05 1.049992 2001-11-06 0.869610 2001-11-07 1.016006 2001-11-08 1.110689 2001-11-09 0.945190 2001-11-10 0.882679 2001-11-11 1.139272 2001-11-12 1.094019 2001-11-13 0.918182 2001-11-14 1.027932 2001-11-15 1.041074 2001-11-16 0.898727 2001-11-17 1.078199 2001-11-18 1.027331 2001-11-19 0.978840 2001-11-20 0.943520 2001-11-21 1.040227 Freq: D, dtype: float64 

As you can see, the data is just constant around 1 instead of increasing. What am I doing wrong here?

(For some reason, on a side note, I cannot pass string dates, such as "2001-11-21" into the prediction function. It would be useful to know why.)

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1 answer


The way you use predict returns a linear forecast in terms of a differentiated endogenous variable, not a forecast of the levels of the original endogenous variable .

To change this behavior, you must predict the typ='levels' method with typ='levels' :

 preds = fit.predict(1, 30, typ='levels') 

See the documentation for ARIMAResults.predict for ARIMAResults.predict .

Step by step


We load the data that you specified in MCVE:

 raw = io.StringIO("""date count 2001-11-01 0.998543 2001-11-02 1.914526 2001-11-03 3.057407 2001-11-04 4.044301 2001-11-05 4.952441 2001-11-06 6.002932 2001-11-07 6.930134 2001-11-08 8.011137 2001-11-09 9.040393 2001-11-10 10.097007 2001-11-11 11.063742 2001-11-12 12.051951 2001-11-13 13.062637 2001-11-14 14.086016 2001-11-15 15.096826 2001-11-16 15.944886 2001-11-17 17.027107 2001-11-18 17.930240 2001-11-19 18.984202 2001-11-20 19.971603""") data = pd.read_fwf(raw, parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date') 

As expected, data is automatically correlated:

 from pandas.plotting import autocorrelation_plot autocorrelation_plot(data) 

enter image description here

Model and training

We create an ARIMA model object for a given installation (P,D,Q) and train it on our data using the fit method:

 order = (2, 1, 2) model = ARIMA(data, order, freq='D') fit = 

It returns an ARIMAResults object that is of interest. We can check the quality of our model:

 fit.summary() ARIMA Model Results ============================================================================== Dep. Variable: D.count No. Observations: 19 Model: ARIMA(2, 1, 2) Log Likelihood 25.395 Method: css-mle SD of innovations 0.059 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 AIC -38.790 Time: 07:54:36 BIC -33.123 Sample: 11-02-2001 HQIC -37.831 - 11-20-2001 ============================================================================== coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const 1.0001 0.014 73.731 0.000 0.973 1.027 ar.L1.D.count -0.3971 0.295 -1.346 0.200 -0.975 0.181 ar.L2.D.count -0.6571 0.230 -2.851 0.013 -1.109 -0.205 ma.L1.D.count 0.0892 0.208 0.429 0.674 -0.318 0.496 ma.L2.D.count 1.0000 0.640 1.563 0.140 -0.254 2.254 Roots ============================================================================== Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AR.1 -0.3022 -1.1961j 1.2336 -0.2894 AR.2 -0.3022 +1.1961j 1.2336 0.2894 MA.1 -0.0446 -0.9990j 1.0000 -0.2571 MA.2 -0.0446 +0.9990j 1.0000 0.2571 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

And we can roughly estimate how the residues are distributed:

 residuals = pd.DataFrame(fit.resid, columns=['residuals']) axe = residuals.plot(kind='kde') 

enter image description here


If we are satisfied with our model, then we can predict some data in the sample or in the sample.

This can be done using the predict method predict which by default returns a differentiated endogenous variable, rather than the endogenous variable itself . To change this behavior, we must specify typ='levels' :

 preds = fit.predict(1, 30, typ='levels') preds 

Then our forecasts have the same levels of our training data:

enter image description here

In addition, if we are interested in having confidence intervals, we can use the forecast method.

String argument

It is also possible to pass predict strings (always use the ISO-8601 format if you want to avoid problems) or datetime objects:

 preds = fit.predict("2001-11-02", "2001-12-15", typ='levels') 

It works as expected on StatsModels 0.9.0:

 import statsmodels as sm sm.__version__ # '0.9.0' 

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