How to pass ruby ​​string to application.js file in rails

I have Javascript that needs to be assigned a ruby ​​string. In this case, I have some javascript functions that require users to enter the email address. I am using haml.

In my application layout file ( application.html.haml ) I could do this and it would work:

 %script{:type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8"} $(document).ready(function () { alert('hello'+ "#{User.find(current_user).email}"); }); 

but I have a special js file for my application. application.js file

How can I transfer the registered email address of the user to the application.js file from my view?

Below in application.js does not work.

 $(document).ready(function () { alert('hello' + "#{User.find(current_user).email}"); }); 
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3 answers

You can customize your user information in a global JavaScript variable:

 %script{:type => "text/javascript", :charset => "utf-8"} var user = { email: "#{escape_javascript User.find(current_user).email}" } $(document).ready(function () { alert('hello ' +; }); 

and then turn off in application.js :

 $(document).ready(function() { alert('hello ' +; }); 

And your page should say hello twice.

Also, usually current_user will not be a user instance? If so, then should be enough, and if not, then set that you want to set @user = ... in your controller, and then use in your view.

I hope I understood HAML correctly, I don’t use it, so I’m kind of guessing the syntax.


I assume that the application.js code is inside the function (i.e. where you need to access the user's current email address). IF so, why not “read” the data / value from a container tag that is not displayed to the user? Your view (this is ERB / ​​HAML / etc - just not js) can then write this container tag with the appropriate value evaluated from your model.


You can use gon gem to pass variables from the controller to javascript.

Set the gem and set accordingly, then call gon.current_user_email = in the controller.

Then access this line in javascript like gon.variable_name


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