I think that you misunderstood the acl system, you can only create 32 kinds of roles, but according to the domain object. This is done using integer bitmask operations (this explains the limitation of “32” as an integer ... well, you know the answer).
So, for example, the permission to delete one object will be the same - "MASK_DELETE" - for the project a milestone or a ticket. Therefore, if you used ProblematicAclManagerBundle , you just had to do:
$aclManager->addPermission($ticket, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
$aclManager->addPermission($projet, $userEntity, MaskBuilder::MASK_DELETE);
to give the user permission to delete $ project or $ ticket. It also creates an acl entry for the domain object and an entry for the user if they do not already exist. However, I need to know if it is possible to create different mask names for the class or each class of the package?
You will find a deeper explanation on acls here
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