TL DR I want to use Xcodes finder with regular expressions to update legacy function calls.
Example 'numFrames: ??? endFrame: @ "step1 * _0 ??? text =" "', where the question marks are replaced with a 1-3-digit number, and * is the letter and simply delete it all.
Long version At first I know that I need to update my memory on regular expressions, but I feel like I am banging my head on the wall on this ...
I want to use finder to update my function calls. I played ~ 400 image sequences in my application, and it was impractical to keep updating individual sequence lengths when they were updated. Now, to decide that I have an application that independently calculates the length, but I still have outdated length declarations. I could go through one at a time and delete them, but I know that Finder can use regular expressions ...
What I want to delete is' numFrames: ??? endFrame: @ "step1 * _0 ??? text =" "', where the question marks are replaced by a 1-3-digit number, and * - by a letter.
If you could give me a good hcode and a regular expression guide (teach a person how to fish ...) or just tell me how to do this, it would be great.
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