PHP Find coordinates between two points

simple question here. Suppose I have two points:

point 1 x = 0 y = 0 point 2 x = 10 y = 10 

How would I know all the coordinates between them programmatically, assuming there is a strait line between two points ... so the above example will return:

 0,0 1,1 2,2 3,3 ... 8,8 9,9 10,10 


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5 answers

Thank you for your help, but not the answers did not work as I wanted it. For example, let's say my points were:

0, 0

0, 10

There will be only the starting and ending coordinates ... he will not find those that are between them.

Maybe I did something wrong: S, but I came up with my solution:

 // Points $p1 = array( 'x' => 50, 'y' => 50 ); $p2 = array( 'x' => 234, 'y' => 177 ); // Work out distances $pxd = $p2['x'] - $p1['x']; $pyd = $p2['y'] - $p1['y']; // Find out steps $steps = max($p1['x'], $p1['y'], $p2['x'], $p2['y']); $coords = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $steps; ++ $i) { $coords[] = array( 'x' => round($p1['x'] += $pxd / $steps), 'y' => round($p1['y'] += $pyd / $steps) ); } print_r($coords); 

First you need to find the slope of the line:

 m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) 

Then you need to find the equation of the line:

 y = mx + b 

In your example, we get:

 y = 1x + b 0 = 1(0) + b 


 y = x 

To get all the coordinates, you just need to connect all the values โ€‹โ€‹x1 โ†’ x2. In PHP, it all looks something like this:

 // These are in the form array(x_cord, y_cord) $pt1 = array(0, 0); $pt2 = array(10, 10); $m = ($pt1[1] - $pt2[1]) / ($pt1[0] - $pt2[0]); $b = $pt1[1] - $m * $pt1[0]; for ($i = $pt1[0]; $i <= $pt2[0]; $i++) $points[] = array($i, $m * $i + $b); 

This, of course, will give you the coordinates for all points that fall on integer values โ€‹โ€‹of X, and not "all coordinates" between two points.

  • Use the linear equation, y = mx + c
  • We set (0,0) and (10,10) to get two equations and decide to get the values โ€‹โ€‹of m and c. (you can find direct equations to get m and c somewhere).
  • Then create a loop to start with x = x1 (0) to x = x2 (10)
  • Using y = mx + c, we get the value of y (now you know m and c)

A simple algorithm would be to find the midpoint by averaging the coordinates, repeat until you finish. Just wanted to point out because no one did.


To generate all lattice points (points with integer coordinates) on the segment between (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), where x1, x2, y1 and y2 are integers:

 function gcd($a,$b) { // implement the Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers, always returning a non-negative value $a = abs($a); $b = abs($b); if ($a == 0) { return $b; } else if ($b == 0) { return $a; } else { return gcd(min($a,$b),max($a,$b) % min($a,$b)); } } function lattice_points($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { $delta_x = $x2 - $x1; $delta_y = $y2 - $y1; $steps = gcd($delta_x, $delta_y); $points = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $steps; $i++) { $x = $x1 + $i * $delta_x / $steps; $y = $y1 + $i * $delta_y / $steps; $points[] = "({$x},{$y})"; } return $points; } 

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