I am using a view controller that contains a tabbarcontroller (4 tabs). each tab has a navigation controller.
My question is: does the viewcontroller that was used in the navigation controller in this view DidAppear not call when viewWillAppear is called?
It works great in iOS4.x, but this condition has appeared in iOS5.
viewcontroller | | tabbarcontroller (4 tabs) | | uinavigationController (Y) | | uiViewcontroller (X)
In this controller "X", viewDidAppear did not call only in iOS 5, but it called in iOS44.x ??
I am doing my best
In 'Y' I use
- (void)navigationController:(UINavigationController *)navigationController didShowViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController animated:(BOOL)animated { [viewController viewDidAppear:animated]; }
It will only run the "X" viewDidAppear once.
I need this every time a view appears.
Please help Thanks
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