SGI STL Rope in g ++?

It seems that in my /usr/include/c++/4.5.1/ext/rope (and ropeimpl.h ) there is a rope implementation. I compared it with SGI STL, and the code seems to be almost like a codebase.

I do not know its status or its functionality or not. I also don't know if this is super old legacy code or code in process

anyway, I did not find any links on how to use it (if it works). Do you know something that I am missing? are there any usage examples that i can use?

EDIT , if you see the cvs history here, you will see that the last activity was 4 months ago, which does not look quite active, but also does not look abandoned.

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2 answers

It is taken directly from the SGI code and is still supported (I changed it the other day to fix a long-standing error), but only briefly documented with legacy extensions .


I have not looked at the ropes since the nineties, but the SGI STL documentation for rope<T, Alloc> is still online. Also a review of the implementation of the rope .


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