Editing All Visual Studio Solution Projects to Use IIS Express

Does anyone know a trick to change all web projects in a Visual Studio solution to use IIS Express.

Imagine that you are converting 100 web application projects by clicking each "Properties" ...

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3 answers

There is currently no easy way to convert many projects. A PowerShell script would do the job, but I did not find it, and I am not going to write it at the moment.


You can directly edit .csproj files, perhaps find and replace them with all. I am sure there is a more elegant way.

These settings are stored in a folder.

<ProjectExtensions> <VisualStudio> <WebProjectProperties> <UseIIS>False</UseIIS> <AutoAssignPort>True</AutoAssignPort> <DevelopmentServerPort>56051</DevelopmentServerPort> <DevelopmentServerVPath>/</DevelopmentServerVPath> <IISUrl> </IISUrl> <NTLMAuthentication>False</NTLMAuthentication> <UseCustomServer>False</UseCustomServer> <CustomServerUrl> </CustomServerUrl> <SaveServerSettingsInUserFile>False</SaveServerSettingsInUserFile> </WebProjectProperties> ... 

Use a decent editor, such as Notepad ++, to "replace in files", and then simply replace <UseIIS>False</UseIIS> with the global replacement of <UseIIS>True</UseIIS> with all *.csproj and all *.csproj.user files in the directory tree.


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