Vim jump event?

I often change the same files, so I assigned some global tags to make them easier to download. For example, I go to my resume (TeX file) by typing "R" in normal mode.

I also created auto commands for TeX files triggered by the BufWinEnter event. If I type: e / path / to / resume.tex in normal mode, everything works fine. Hooray!

However, the BufWinEnter event does not seem to fire when I go to the file using the global label โ€œR. Is there any other event that I should use instead? What is the correct way to set this?

Here is the corresponding line ~ / .vim / ftplugin / tex.vim

au BufWinEnter <buffer> silent loadview 
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1 answer

Use :au Syntax tex silent loadview in .vimrc :au Syntax tex silent loadview .


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