If you understand correctly, you want to find any vunderscore followed by a lowercase character, and replace it with the uppercase version of that character, i.e. var _f oo → var F oo, _bar _b az → _bar B az, etc.
Unfortunately, it seems that Eclipse can provide this, because as others have said, you can use Ctrl + H (or Ctrl + F in one file) and regular expressions to find these underscores +, but regular expressions do not provide the ability to convert matches (e.g., lowercase to uppercase).
The best you can do is find these variables using a regular expression and then reorganize them the way you want, for example. search using the following expression: \w_\w
, which should find var_foo, bar1_baz but not _bar, mark them and rename them (Alt + LShift + R).
Pay attention to the following: \w_\w
can find methods, comments, etc., since the search does not know what it actually found (whether it be a variable, class name, method, etc.).
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