XNA Texture2D Caching

Is the class so necessary?

public class ContentCache { private readonly ContentManager _content; private readonly Dictionary<string, Texture2D> _textureCache = new Dictionary<string, Texture2D>(); public ContentCache(ContentManager content) { _content = content; } public Texture2D Load(string assetName) { Texture2D texture = null; if (!_textureCache.TryGetValue(assetName, out texture)) { _textureCache[assetName] = texture = _content.Load<Texture2D>(assetName); } return texture; } } 

I am curious if ContentManager.Load<Texture2D>() performs internal caching. I do not want to duplicate things.


Our game is XNA 2D and is going to run on WP7 and Windows, as well as iOS and OSX, using MonoGame .

MonoGame may work differently than XNA on Windows, but I can probably look at its source to find out.

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3 answers

Class is not needed. ContentManager does this on your behalf.

A source:



As for Mono ... I'm sure the implementations reflect each other well, but I can't be sure of that.

Alternatively, if you want to reload the object, you can use the optional ContentManager and then throw it away.


It should be noted that the Mono ContentManager class now also performs caching.

Added about 2012. For future reference.


Just cache what should be the cache in the first LoadContent method using some array of precache strings, for example:

 // Preload assets static readonly string[] preloadAssets = { "Textures\\texture1", }; protected override void LoadContent() { foreach ( string asset in preloadAssets ) { Content.Load<object>(asset); } } 

Something like this is possible!


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