I developed a data model where there are parent and child objects (one for many). First, I did all the work manually and saved the parent id in the child objects in order to preserve the relationship. Then I decided to use a relationship with the application engine documentation. Now I have a parent with identifier 21 and a child with identifier 1 (I assume that ID is 1 because this child is the only and first child of this parent). Now I'm trying to get the key as: child.getKey ()
And with the same line, I'm trying to get an object with:
Child = pm.getObjectById (Child.class, key);
Somehow I get this error: WARNING: /admin.jsp javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException: Failed to get an entity of the form Child with the key Child ("Parent (21) / Child (1)")
I know this child exists in this parent. Maybe someone can help me? I researched about it, and nothing appeared ...
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