svn checkout ends after upgrading to svn 1.7

I upgraded my svn client and repo to V 1.7, and now the command generated by to update the source no longer works.

Team Failure:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CollabNet\Subversion Client\svn.exe log svn://localhost/ev_ac/trunk -r "{2011-10-21T09:18:06Z}:{2011-10-21T09:46:56Z}" --verbose --xml --username ***** --password ******** --no-auth-cache --non-interactive 

When I run it manually on the command line, I get an error message:

Svn_diff_mem_string_output_unified2 procedure entry point cannot be located in libsvn_diff-1.dll

Has anyone had this problem? Is this a problem with the svn client, or is the generated command no longer compatible with the current svn client?

Any help or light that might be missed on this would be wonderful, as it means that our CI / build server cannot create and deploy.

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2 answers

I pointed to the svn client executable that comes with the svn turtle and it fixed the problem.


I had the same problem. The reason is that the old version of SVN was not automatically uninstalled until the new version was installed. You can check it with the command 'svn.exe --version', for me it showed 1.6.12 instead of 1.7.

This was due to the fact that the PATH environment variable contained two paths: from one to the old svn folder and the other to the new svn folder. Therefore, deleting the old svn folder from PATH and manually uninstalling the old SVN fixed the problem (WIN + PAUSE, "Additional system settings", "Environment variables").


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