I have many iframes that upload specific content to my pages. Both the parent and iframe are in the same domain.
I have a scrollbar inside an iframe that doesn't seem to load correctly in all browsers. But when I update the iframe, it loads perfectly. I have no idea why he is doing this.
I used meta-update, which works, but I do not want the page to be updated constantly, only once.
The solution I'm looking for will reload the contents of the iFrame after opening the iFrame with minimal delay.
Thanks for your time and help!
---------- EDIT: --------
I realized that my page loads all my frames when loading the index. Iframes appear in a jQuery overlay, which also loads, but visibility: hidden until called. So this is a call when I want the iframe to reboot.
Can someone help me come up with a Javascript function that reloads iFrame when I click on the iFrame link? I closed, but I know nothing about js and I keep falling behind. I have a function that reloads the page, but I cannot figure out how to call it right away.
I still have this:
<script type="text/javascript"> var pl; var change; pl=1; function ifr() { if (pl=1) { document.location.reload([true]); alert("Page Reloaded!"); change=1; return change; } change+pl; }
So basically it uses document.location.reload, which works to reload the page. I am trying to change pl to something other than 1, so the function does not start again. I called this JS from the body using onLoad.
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