Hibernate Reverse Engineering Wizard - Available tables Empty - issue

I am trying to integrate Hibernate into a Netbeans project to connect to Microsoft SQL Server. I launched the Hibernate configuration file wizard (and set up a new database connection). I installed the dialect on SqlServerDialect. First, I made a connection to the db_owner schema. I ran test requests on the connection and they all returned the correct information.

However, when I try to run either the Hibernate mapping wizard or the Hibernate Reverse Engineering wizard, there are no tables available.

I am using Microsoft JDBC (version 4). There are other similar questions already published, but the answers that have been provided do not work.

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Turns out I chose the wrong default scheme. I chose db_owner and it should have been dbo . When I checked the connection on the Services tab and expanded the default schema, it did not show the table. The SQL executor seems to use other schemas besides the default to find the results.


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