I have an Xml like below:
<Phrase Entry="ID"> <Ans number="1"> <Identification LastName="Bornery" Name="John" Age="23"/> <Identification LastName="Grify" Name="Johnson" Age="29"/> <Identification LastName="Alisen" Name="Julia" Age="38" City="NewYork" Job="Teacher"/> <Identification LastName="Bornery" Name="John" Weight="85"/> </Ans> </Phrase>
and I want to list the Xml attributes with their values ββin the list, for example below:
MyList = {LastName="Bornery" , Name="John", Age="23" , LastName="Grify" , Name="Johnson", Age="29", LastName="Alisen", Name="Julia", Age="38", City="NewYork", Job="Teacher", LastName="Bornery", Name="John", Weight="85"}
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