Carrierwave precomputed the md5 checksum of a file as a file name

Using a carrier loader for images, trying to ensure the uniqueness of downloaded images using the md5 checksum as the file name

it looks like I'm doing something wrong


defined as follows:

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :description, :img mount_uploader :img, ImageUploader 

My bootloader code is as follows:

 class ImageUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include CarrierWave::MiniMagick storage :file def store_dir "images/#{filename[0,2]}" end def md5 @md5 ||= ::Digest::MD5.file(current_path).hexdigest end def filename @name ||= "#{md5}#{::File.extname(current_path)}" if super end 

First of all, I suspect that this approach causes a checksum to be calculated every time an image record is requested for display

secondly, after saving the image record, all the rest img.original_filename img.filename img.path img.current_path seem undefined with the following error:

 You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.[] app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb:17:in `store_dir' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/uploader/store.rb:43:in `store_path' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/storage/file.rb:41:in `retrieve!' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/uploader/store.rb:95:in `block in retrieve_from_store!' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/uploader/callbacks.rb:17:in `with_callbacks' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/uploader/store.rb:94:in `retrieve_from_store!' carrierwave (0.5.7) lib/carrierwave/mount.rb:311:in `uploader' 

any help or hint is welcome


changed the bootloader like this:

 def store_dir "images/#{model.img_identifier[0,2]}" end def filename @name ||= "#{md5}#{::File.extname(current_path)}" end protected def md5 var = :"@#{mounted_as}_md5" model.instance_variable_get(var) or model.instance_variable_set(var, ::Digest::MD5.file(current_path).hexdigest) end 

current_path seems to refer to the full path of the tempfile file provided on the form, so it is valid for calculating the extension and calculating the digest img_identifier means saving the current file name and therefore valid for the prefix for our store_dir are still not sure if any caution with this approach.

also still not convinced that a file uniqueness check should be performed


I added this before_validation callback in my model class:

 validates_uniqueness_of :checksum before_validation :assign_checksum def assign_checksum self.checksum = img.md5 if img.present? and img_changed? end 

where checksum is a separate string field in my model db table
it is pretty redundant as it duplicates the img field in general, but I still cannot figure out a way to verify the uniqueness of img itself.


Moved with db redundancy this way. In my model:

 validate :img_uniqueness def img_uniqueness errors.add :img, "Image already exists in database" if Image.where(:img => self.img.filename).first end 

now no need for checksum field

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4 answers

This may help: How to use the MD5 file as the file name

And maybe,

A practical guide. Use the digest file (e.g. MD5, SHA-1) as the path to the file's-digest- (e.g. MD5, -SHA- 1) ith file path


1. When you define store_dir .. filename it seems NIL !!

There seems to be an immediate error - try the puts statement to print what file name is set to.

If the file name is NIL, you will see the error message that you see:

 You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! You might have expected an instance of Array. The error occurred while evaluating nil.[] app/uploaders/image_uploader.rb:17:in `store_dir' 


you override both file_name and store_dir ... and use the file name inside the store_dir definition ... There might be a chicken and egg problem here. Better check that

store_dir should just be a directory, for example. /somewhere/on/your/disk/images

filename should be just a filename without a path, for example. 24371592d9ea16625854ed68ac4b5846 , or 24371592d9ea16625854ed68ac4b5846.jpg

eg. check how these two are used in the code in store.rb (at the end below)


using filename[0,2] - do you use directories with a 2-letter prefix MD5-sum to store images?

2. Side note: What is current_path ? Seems wrong. There must be a path + file name, not just a path

3. Check the second code snippet (below) from store.rb

It looks like you set store_dir in a relative directory - it's very fragile and error prone .. it would be better to set it to an absolute path (starting with '/')

4. Try specifying the file name and store_dir for constants for debugging

As a health check, this works when you do this:

 def store_dir '/tmp/' # from the source code, it looks like this needs to start with '/' !! end def filename 'my_uploaded_file' end 

which should work before setting the file name to the amount of MD5.

From the source code: (0.5.7)

Library / carrierwave / storage / file.rb

Library / carrierwave / downloader / store.rb

You can override CarrierWave :: Uploader :: Store # file_name to specify the file name of your choice (see source code):

Redefinition in CarrierWave :: Uploader :: Base should work because "Store" is included in "Base"; this overrides the default file name.

From store.rb

  # Override this in your Uploader to change the filename. # # Be careful using record ids as filenames. If the filename is stored in the database # the record id will be nil when the filename is set. Don't use record ids unless you # understand this limitation. # # Do not use the version_name in the filename, as it will prevent versions from being # loaded correctly. # # === Returns # # [String] a filename # def filename @filename end 

You can also check the cached file name, calculate the MD5 sum (or better SHA1 sum ) on it, and then use the result for the file name.

From store.rb

  # Calculates the path where the file should be stored. If +for_file+ is given, it will be # used as the filename, otherwise +CarrierWave::Uploader#filename+ is assumed. # # === Parameters # # [for_file (String)] name of the file <optional> # # === Returns # # [String] the store path # def store_path(for_file=filename) # DEFAULT argument is filename - you don't need to override both File.join([store_dir, full_filename(for_file)].compact) end 

File Equality:

 files_equal?( filename1, filename2 ) return true if File.size(filename1) == File.size(filename2) # return MD5(filename1) == MD5(filename2) # as we assume that the filename == MD5 + some suffix : return File.basename(filename1) == File.basename(filename2) # if names == MD5 are the same end 

Add the md5hash field to your model, then add the following code to your model:

  before_validation :compute_hash validates_uniqueness_of :md5hash, :on => :create def compute_hash self.md5hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( end 

That should do the trick.


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