He works!
Even with the 100,000 records I am referring to. The return rate is less than 30 ms. I even ran into a database size of up to 500,000 records, and the auto-negotiation speed is very acceptable (up to 120 ms). I'm sure I can do even better with a little caching on the PHP side.
I ended up using QueryReadStore and FilteringSelect . JsonRestStore may have worked, but I found a simple working example from the dojo site and built it.
This is where dojo code works for a text box with automatic suggestion falling into a very large data set - short and sweet :
var vendorStore = new dojox.data.QueryReadStore({ url: "../vms/htdocs/ajax/search.php" }); var vendorSelect = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({ name: "vendorSelection", store: vendorStore, autoComplete: false, required: true, labelType: "text", placeHolder: "Search vendors", pageSize: 20, hasDownArrow: false, style: "width: 175px;", searchAttr: "company_name", id: "vendorSelect" }, "vendorSelection"); vendorSelect.startup();
Of course, stick with <select id="vendorSelection"></select>
somwhere in the body of the page. It works great.
Thanks again!
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