This comment has not yet been posted to Facebook.

I use FB: Comments on my page using XFBML. When I post a comment, a message appears saying "This comment has not yet been posted to Facebook"

This is the code that I use separately from the fb tag: comments

<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init( {appId :'APP ID',status:true,cookie:true,xfbml:true}); }; (function(){var e=document.createElement('script'); e.async=true; e.src=document.location.protocol+'//'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e);}()); </script> 
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3 answers

What attributes did you specify in the fb: comments tag? I believe all that does is connect with Facebook / logic. Do you have the right OG tags? You can also add code to subscribe to the add comments event and see what happens:

 <script> FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', function(resp) { for(var i in resp){ if(resp.hasOwnProperty(i)){ console.log(i + " " + resp[i]); } } }); </script> 

you may also need a feed file as described here


This problem seems to be related to .info domains. Or it may happen that this happens with top-level domains with 4 or more letters, such as .info, .name or .mobi, although I have not examined all of them.


I have the same problem. If I use the example page (, the comment is sent to my wall, then how to do the same in the comments field of my application is not, unless I pint them to the Facebook URL.

It works:

  <fb:comments href="" ></fb:comments> 

This is not the case if I do it from my application, but it works if I do it from my site (which really does not help for the purpose that I need)

 <fb:comments href="" ></fb:comments> 

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