Is there a single way to detect installed Java on Linux?

Is there a way to detect java installed on different Linux distributions? With Windows, you can use JAVA_HOME or the registry for this, but Linux? Could this be detected if it is JDK, JRE, 32 or 64 bit?

REPHRASE: if I need a 64-bit JDK on Linux, how can I programmatically verify that it is present and tell the user that it has another Java?

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You can always use java -version .

This works on all platforms, but make sure Java is included in the PATH system variable.


There is no single way. You can use JAVA_HOME env. variable, but not defined on all machines. But there is a β€œgeneral” way, like ls /usr/java/*/bin/java | tail -1 ls /usr/java/*/bin/java | tail -1 .

In most cases, you will be provided with the latest version.


To see the file invoked by the java command, use which java , although this will often be just a symbolic link to the real executable, for example /usr/bin/java . As far as I know, this works on all distributions.

On some Linux distributions, you can use update-alternatives --display java (possibly with sudo ) to see a list of all the java executables installed on your system and also tell you which symbol the link refers to. You can switch between them using the --config option.


You can use java -version in the terminal to find out some information.


There are many answers here to help check if Java is installed. If so, you can get more information programmatically. SystemUtils commons-lang provides you with a lot of information about the actually running version of Java.


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