I have n points in R ^ 3 that I want to cover k ellipsoids or cylinders (I don't care, whichever is simpler). I want to minimize volume pooling to a minimum. Let n be tens of thousands and k a handful. Development time (i.e. Simplicity) is more important than runtime.
Obviously, I can use k-tools and use perfect balls for my ellipsoids. Or I can run a k-tool, and then use the minimum spanning ellipsoids per cluster, rather than covering with balls, although in the worst case it is not better. I saw talk about processing anisotropy using k-means, but the links I saw seemed to think I had a tensor in my hand; I donβt know, I just know that the data will be a union of ellipsoids. Any suggestions?
[Edit: There are a couple of voices for picking up a mixture of multivariate Gaussians that seems viable to try. Calling the EM code for this will not reduce the volume of the union, but, of course, the k-tool also does not minimize the volume.]
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