Adding a request from Twisted `enterprise.adbapi` to the reactor loop created by the` twistd` daemons

I use twisted.enterprise.adbapi inside the Twisted .tac , and I find that the pending object returned for functions like aConnectionPool.runQuery(sqlQuery) does not start unless reactor.(run) called. How to add a request to the reactor loop created by twistd instead of calling ? Is this a general procedure or is it something specific to an asynchronous database API?

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 from twisted.application import internet, service from zope.interface import implements from twisted.web.iweb import IBodyProducer from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor from twisted.internet.defer import succeed from twisted.web.client import Agent from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers import json import base64 from twisted.enterprise import adbapi class StringProducer(object): implements(IBodyProducer) def __init__(self, body): self.body = body self.length = len(body) def startProducing(self, consumer): consumer.write(self.body) return succeed(None) def pauseProducing(self): pass def stopProducing(self): pass def httpRequest(url, values, headers={}, method='POST'): agent = Agent(reactor) d = agent.request(method, url, Headers(headers), StringProducer(values) ) def handle_response(response): if response.code == 204: d = defer.succeed('') else: class SimpleReceiver(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(s, d): s.buf = ''; sd = d def dataReceived(s, data): s.buf += data response = json.loads(data) receipt = response[u'receipt'] if receipt[u'product_id'] == "com.domain_name.app_name.a_product_id": transactionID = receipt[u'original_transaction_id'] date = receipt[u'original_purchase_date'] purchaseDate = date.strip(' Etc/GMT') print transactionID print purchaseDate dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('MySQLdb', db='mydb', user='user', passwd='passwd') dOperation = dbpool.runOperation("insert into users(name, original_transaction_id, date_joined) values(%s, %s, %s)", ('testuser', transactionID, purchaseDate)) def finishInsert(dObject, pool): print 'inserted!' pool.close() dOperation.addCallback(finishInsert, dbpool) def insertError(dObject): print 'insert error!' dOperation.addErrback(insertError) def connectionLost(s, reason): sdcallback(s.buf) d = defer.Deferred() response.deliverBody(SimpleReceiver(d)) return d d.addCallback(handle_response) class StoreServer(protocol.Protocol): def dataReceived(self, data): a = data.split(':delimiter:') if a[0] == 'addToUserList': receiptBase64 = base64.standard_b64encode(a[1]) jsonReceipt = json.dumps({'receipt-data':receiptBase64}) httpRequest( "", jsonReceipt, {'Content-Type': ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']} ) application = service.Application("My Server") storeFactory = protocol.Factory() storeFactory.protocol = StoreServer tcpStoreServer = internet.TCPServer(30000, storeFactory) tcpStoreServer.setServiceParent(application) 
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1 answer

Your code creates a new ConnectionPool for each request. The new ConnectionPool creates its own thread pool to run queries and must establish a new connection to the database.

This means that you do not have a connection pool. You simply have many connections that you create and use once. In addition, errback, insertError , does not close the pool.

All this means that there are no restrictions on the number of threads / connections that can be created at one time, with the exception of the limit that your system imposes on the amount of memory that you can allocate, or how many sockets you can open. When you come across one of these limits, everything will be wrong.

It also means that every request error flows through multiple threads and connections ( ConnectionPool sets 3 threads / connections at startup). After enough errors, you will not be able to create more threads or connections, so you will no longer be able to query your database. Your query is simple, and you might think that errors are not very likely, but MySQL tends to accidentally disconnect clients (and perhaps you at least knew about this because you added an error to report the error).

The intended use of ConnectionPool is to create one (or two or the other small fixed number) and then reuse it for all your requests. Regardless of whether these problems are related to those that you initially observed or not, I do not know, but they are probably problems that you should fix.


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