IE9 jQuery CDN Lock

I have problems with IE9 on our new site. JQuery files do not load. At first I tried the CDN on Google, but also tried the Microsoft CDN, both failed. I saw posts about using the latest version of jQuery. I grabbed the latter (1.6.4) and it did not help. I understand that this is tracking protection, but since this is our front end site, we don’t like that we can force the browser to add our site to our whitelist or disable tracking protection.

While locating local files is the obvious next step, my other problem is that the Google Analytics code also fails.

Is there a solution for this?

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3 answers

Use the jquery implementation as described at .

<!-- Grab Google CDN jQuery, with a protocol relative URL; fall back to local if offline --> <script src="//"></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="js/libs/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"><\/script>')</script> 

Some solutions to jhanifen . Using head.js lib , we can load jQuery and other libraries faster:

 <script src="js/libs/head.load.min.js"></script> <script> head.js("",function() { window.jQuery || head.js("js/libs/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"); }); </script> 

I thought that it’s best to add my results in the answer if someone hits on this question and does not view the comments, but it is best to follow the comments from @jhanifen's answer. I had to use a local copy of jQuery, using CDN (even on Microsoft CDN) did not work.

My Google code did not sit below the end tag, it was just above it, fixing it, resolving the problem.

Typekit, I had to use conditional expressions, but then it defeats the Typekit usage object, especially considering that you think IE9 was a “modern browser”. Crazy!

I asked Typekit to find out if they have a job, and will edit this if they come back with anything useful.


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