Restarting the log4net memory application after calling Shutdown ()

My application uses several applications - a FileAppender , MemoryAppender and MemoryAppender . I have a command to reset the log so that a new file is created on demand. This works fine - I just call log4net.LogManager.GetRepository().Shutdown() .

I also log in simultaneously with MemoryAppender , and I have a timer that pulls events from the application and displays them in the log window. When I use the above reset function, the log window stops displaying messages because no more events are being logged.

For FileAppender I was able to run it again by calling ActivateOptions after setting the correct file name. I called ActivateOptions on MemoryAppender , but that does not force it to start recording again. Before calling ActivateOptions I looked at the object to make sure it is already configured. It actually saves the configuration from the moment I called the reset function, so it looks fine.

I also searched the Internet and people said that you just need to call log4net.Config.DOMConfigurator.Configure (deprecated - now it is log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure`), but that didnโ€™t work either.

Is there another way that I can try to end / restart logging while supporting File, Memory and Ado applications?

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I think you get what you want without calling the Shutdown method. Just set a new file name in your application and call ActivateOptions . This will close the old log file and open the new ...


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