Here is one way to do this with the excellent ggplot2
require(ggplot2) require(reshape) # Load data data = read.table('data.txt', header=T) # Format data data = melt(data, id.vars=c('id', 'factor'), variable_name='time') data$time = as.numeric(gsub('H(.+)', '\\1', data$time)) # Function to summarize y at each x getband <- function({ ymax = mean( + sd( ymin = mean( - sd( data.frame(ymax, ymin) } # Plot, height=4) qplot(time, value, group=factor, geom='point', color=factor, fill=factor, data=data) + stat_summary(color=0,, geom='ribbon', alpha=0.2) + stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom='line')
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