Direct insertion of Oracle into 54,061,487 records

I have an insert with direct download of 54,061,487 records. I am looking for speed. I don’t have to roll back at all.

All tables involved are NOLOGGING .

Here is one way to do it.

 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE meRegionsNow'; ... INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO meRegionsNow( carrierId , region , zip , side , subPlanTypeId , monthIn ) SELECT r.carrierId as carrierId , r.region as region , as zip , r.side as side , r.subPlanTypeId as subPlanTypeId , t.monthIn as monthIn FROM meTimeline t INNER JOIN region r ON t.monthIn >= r.effective AND t.monthIn <= r.expiry; 

The execution plan for this, as expected (using the right indexes to speed up the connection):

  Statement Id=5336 Type= Cost=2.64022111505165E-308 TimeStamp=25-10-11::15::35:08 (1) SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Est. Rows: 5,667 Cost: 483 (5) TABLE TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID SCHEMA.REGION [Analyzed] (5) Blocks: 2,826 Est. Rows: 944 of 377,779 Cost: 80 Tablespace: USERS (4) NESTED LOOPS Est. Rows: 5,667 Cost: 483 (2) INDEX INDEX FULL SCAN SCHEMA.METL$MONTHIN [Analyzed] Est. Rows: 6 Cost: 1 (3) INDEX INDEX RANGE SCAN SCHEMA.RGN$MULTI3 [Analyzed] Est. Rows: 944 Cost: 72 

Here is another way to do this:

 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE meRegionsNow'; ... DECLARE CURSOR meTimeline_cur IS SELECT monthIn FROM meTimeline ORDER BY monthIn; BEGIN FOR meTimeline_rec IN meTimeline_cur LOOP /* Cross regions with timeline */ INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO meRegionsNow( carrierId , region , zip , side , subPlanTypeId , monthIn ) SELECT r.carrierId as carrierId , r.region as region , as zip , r.side as side , r.subPlanTypeId as subPlanTypeId , meTimeline_rec.monthIn as monthIn FROM region r WHERE meTimeline_rec.monthIn >= r.effective AND meTimeline_rec.monthIn <= r.expiry; COMMIT; END LOOP; END; 

What is the fastest way? I don’t think there is a big difference between inserting a direct load with a cursor and a direct insert with a direct SQL load.

Again, I don't care about registration, rollback, saving any cancellation data. I suspect the reason this takes a lot of time is because the tablespace data file is automatically distributed too often, using default sizes that are too small in size.

I think this problem will be solved as soon as I change the size of the table space meRegionsNow data file.

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3 answers

The first approach is likely to be faster since it has fewer context switches between the PL / SQL engine and the SQL engine. You can easily find out by trying both methods.


Have you tried to parallelize the load using a parallel hint? (you may find that you need to remove / nullify restrictions and indexes at boot time and then enable them after boot)

 INSERT /*+ APPEND PARALLEL*/ INTO meRegionsNow( ..... SELECT /*+ PARALLEL*/ ..... 

There are many prerequisites for parallel and direct work loads.

see see /e16541/parallel003.htm#VLDBG1455


Freezing data between blocks should reduce the use of temporary table space, so it is likely to be much more reliable if temporary table space is limited.

The OTOH closed-access approach should have access to the source tables several times, but since the unreasonable approach seems to use exclusively indexed searches in the table, it will have little effect on performance (if the table was completely scanned for a single-pass approach, fragments would probably be much slower).


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