Below I have the code on my site, but when I click on the link in this particular div
, it just opens a new window, why is this?
I still do not understand this, but here's where I am, my script looks like this
<script type="text/javascript">(function(){
and this is how I use it in my html <div id="links"> <a href="testvid.html"><img src="img/thumbs/img3.jpg" /></a>
but don’t leave anyway, please let me know what you think.
So, I took the minimal parts of this code and moved it to a new document, and now it doesn’t work at all, but I feel like I have a problem with jQuery, so now it works, and I get this error in
17XMLHttpRequest cannot load file: ///Users/semaj4712/Desktop/WME%20Website/testvid.html. The origin of null is not allowed through Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
What I don’t know is what it means, therefore, as soon as I earn here, I must solve the problem with jQuery on the site itself.
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