I do not know about any specific mouse events.
You can, however, easily recognize yourself by checking the event
object of the mousedown
event. Full screen script: http://jsfiddle.net/dWfDL/1/show/
var text = typeof document.body.textContent != "undefined" ? "textContent" : "innerText"; window.onmousedown = function(e){ //Inspect the `e` object, for example using a for(var i in e) loop, or: //console.log(e); var s = []; for(var i in e){ try{ if(e[i] !== null){ if(i.toUpperCase() == i) continue; //Ignore constants if(typeof e[i] == "function") continue; //Ignore functions if(e[i].parentNode) continue; //Ignore elements if(e[i] === window) continue; //Ignore Window } s.push(i + " =\t\t" + e[i]); }catch(err){s.push(i + " \tERROR reading property.")} } e.preventDefault(); s = s.join("\n") + "\n\n"; document.body[text] = s + document.body[text]; } //Double-click to wipe contents window.ondblclick = function(){ document.body[text] = ""; }
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