right now im using prepared statements to select / paste data in mysql. Well, my question is, I learned about second-order attacks. So the user, for example, is registered on my site. And uses something like this as an email or username
"username '; DELETE Orders;
this gets insertions into mysql table
So, when I get the data again through the prepared statement and insert / do something with it again in the prepared statement.
Would I be safe because I use prepared statements?
Get Bad Data: $sql = "SELECT * FROM USERS where USERID = 1"; ... $stmt->bind_result($username); ... Next Query: INSERT or do other things: $SQL = "SELECT * FROM email WHERE USERNAME = ?"; .... $stmt->bind_param('s', $username); ...
After I thought I would be safe if I do this? Or is there a leak?
But I would be an attacker if I did this:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM email WHERE username = $username"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute();
Thanks: -)
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