After the final solution to the problem of signing the gang (thank you all for your help!), Now a new one has appeared.
When I try to launch a web launch application from the launch.jnlp file, the following error occurs:
java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeApplication(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.executeMainClass(Unknown Source) at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.doLaunchApp(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source)
If I use a jnlp file pointing to a jar file on my computer, the application works fine, but if I try to use a jar file on a website, I get the above error.
What exactly is the problem?
The jnlp file has the desired format, otherwise why would it work in my local jar file?
Here is jnlp:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <jnlp spec="1.0+"> <information> <title>ExcelReader</title> <vendor>Adam</vendor> <homepage href=""/> <description>ExcelReader</description> <description kind="short">ExcelReader</description> <offline-allowed/> </information> <update check="background"/> <security> <all-permissions/> </security> <resources> <j2se version="1.7+"/> <jar href="" main="true"/> <jar href=""/> </resources> <application-desc main-class="excelreader.ExcelCopyApp"> </application-desc> </jnlp>
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