Tag and search Plone content from restricted dictionaries

I want my editors to put content in several orthogonal dictionaries, and then have a nice search interface that allows users to search for content based on these dictionaries. It seems that there are some parts to the solution.

  • ATVocabularyManager - allows editors to create different dictionaries
  • eea.facetednavigation - allows editors to connect ATVocabularyManger vocals to the search bar

There is no way to add new fields to the catagorisation tab for certain types of content and to limit these restrictions on dictionaries. and these values ​​are stored and indexed so that they can be searched.

I know that I can do this in code, but I hope for something TTW, so editors can add more ways to classify if they want. I am almost sure that there should be a plugin to solve this already, but so far they have not found it. I am sure that the Agility Scheme Editor will solve this problem, but I need this for existing Plone content types.

So interesting

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2 answers

What I think you can do is simply add that your content editors put the content using the usual tagging mechanism and put it the way they like. Then, using eea.facetednavigation, you specify the different groups of tags that you want to use in your border navigation.

If you need more structure for your content editors to add tags, I would suggest perhaps creating your own widget that will give them a structured set of tags to choose from.

Some packages you might want to consider to solve this problem are as follows:

ATVocabularyManager is not intended to dynamically add dictionaries to new fields of existing content types, to provide a dictionary manager for custom content types and, possibly, schema fields.


This is what I am going to build to solve this problem, since none of the proposed solutions so far solves the whole problem.

Let me call it collect.tagvocabularies (?)

The goal is to incorporate several different categories of keywords into existing Plone content through an existing tag metadata field, and then use plugins such as FacetedNavigation to display the content as if the content was classified by several different faces. He will do this by dynamically providing many different dictionaries based on the unique keyword index values ​​in Plone.

It will provide a control panel where you can enter a regular expression. This re will be used for all keywords used in all content to break it to the brink. For example, if all your tags are in the form of Animal-Fish, Color-Blue, your re will be


Once installed, the Vocabularies for "Color" and "Animal" are available for use anywhere, including eea.facetednavigation. Any new tag added to the content will automatically be available in dictionaries (caching may be required).


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