How to access the media URL: thumbnail and media: content items in an RSS feed?

I am trying to use the Zenfolio RSS feed so that I can display images in a feed. How can I access the value of the media URL: thumbnail and media: content items in my RSS feed? I googled high and low and did not find an answer on how to access the URL value. There was a similar unanswered answer

Examples of elements:

<media:thumbnail url="" width="400" height="225" /> <media:content url="" type="image/jpeg" medium="image" width="400" height="225" /> 

My code in the controller:

  Public Function Feed() As ActionResult Dim feedurl As String = "" Using x = XmlReader.Create(feedurl) Dim r As SyndicationFeed = SyndicationFeed.Load(x) Return View(r) End Using End Function 

In my opinion, I have @ModelType System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed and

 @For Each i In ViewData.Model.Items @i.Title.text @<br /> <!--What do i do here to get the url values?--> Next 
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1 answer

I have my decision. I will post the code here a bit.


  Public Function Feed() As ActionResult Dim feedurl As String = "" Using x = XmlReader.Create(feedurl) Dim r = XDocument.Load(x) Dim mediapfx As XNamespace = "" Dim ml = From item In r.Descendants(mediapfx + "content") Select item Dim medialist = From item In r.Descendants("item") Select New MediaImage With { .Id = item.Element("guid").Value, .ImageUrl = TryGetAttributeValue(item.Element(mediapfx + "content"), "url")} Take 5 Return View(medialist) End Using End Function Private Function TryGetAttributeValue(ByVal xe As XElement, ByVal attribute As String) As String If xe IsNot Nothing AndAlso xe.Attribute(attribute) IsNot Nothing Then Return xe.Attribute(attribute).Value Else Return Nothing End If End Function Namespace RiderDesignMvcBlog.Core.ViewModels Public Class MediaImage Public Property Id() As String Public Property ImageUrl() As String End Class End Namespace 

In sight:

 @ModelType IEnumerable(Of RiderDesignMvcBlog.Core.ViewModels.MediaImage) @Code ViewData("Title") = "Feed" Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout4.vbhtml" End Code <h2>Feed</h2> @For Each i In Model @<img src=" @i.ImageUrl" /> Next 

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