FOSUserBundle works well for the project I'm working on. But I'm trying to implement FOSFacebookBundle and work with FOSUserBundle .
As part of this goal, I created my own Acme\MyBundle\Entity\User.php
to add some fields that I would like to keep on Facebook, in addition to what UserBundle provides. the code of this class has been debugged and works (well ... what I thought! see below).
Which does not work (in my Acme\MyBundle\Security\User\Provider\FacebookProvider.php
, inside loadUserByUsername ()):
matches the documentation ( read here )
The next element is the output of print_r($user);
just before executing $this->userManager->updateUser($user);
Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ User Object
[id: protected] =>
[facebookID: protected] => 847000001
[first_name: protected] => Peter
[middle_name: protected] =>
[last_name: protected] => Parker
[fullname: protected] => Peter Parker
[locale: protected] => en_US
[timezone: protected] => 2
[updated_time: protected] => 2011-10-27T17: 13: 24 + 0000
[birthday: protected] => DateTime Object
[date] => 1961-07-01 10:31:53
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => Europe / Berlin
[languages: protected] => Doctrine \ Common \ Collections \ ArrayCollection Object
[_elements: Doctrine \ Common \ Collections \ ArrayCollection: private] => Array
[0] => Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage Object
[facebookID: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => 113051505375958
[name: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => Italien
[1] => Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage Object
[facebookID: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => 112264595467201
[name: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => Français
[2] => Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage Object
[facebookID: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => 103803232991647
[name: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage: private] => English
[usernameFB: protected] => spiderman
[username: protected] => Peter Parker
[usernameCanonical: protected] =>
[email: protected] =>
[emailCanonical: protected] =>
[enabled: protected] => 1
[algorithm: protected] =>
[salt: protected] =>
[password: protected] =>
[plainPassword: protected] =>
[lastLogin: protected] =>
[confirmationToken: protected] => 540grdgfg343004g8g0skg0wg408k
[passwordRequestedAt: protected] =>
[groups: protected] =>
[locked: protected] =>
[expired: protected] =>
[expiresAt: protected] =>
[roles: protected] => Array
[credentialsExpired: protected] =>
[credentialsExpireAt: protected] =>
Error message "UNKNOWN ERROR" . So I decided to see where this message was sent to the Bundle. And I found that it was set to Exception. I decided to throw an Exception Message.
So below are the exception messages:
The new object was found through the relationship 'Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ User # languages', which was not configured for the cascade operation for the object: Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage @ 000000004a9e2dfa0000000001482b74. Explicitly save the new object or configure cascading saving operations on relations. If you cannot find out which object is causing the problem. 'Acme \ MyBundle \ Entity \ SpokenLanguage #__ toString ()' to get a hint.
So, I think I did not correctly encode the Doctrine annotations of my User class, and the problem is associating ManyToMany () associations.
Here are the annotations of the $ languages fields in my Acme\MyBundle\Entity\User.php
/** * @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="SpokenLanguage") * @ORM\JoinTable(name="users_spokenlanguage", * joinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")}, * inverseJoinColumns={@ORM\JoinColumn(name="spokenlanguage_id", referencedColumnName="facebookID")} * ) */ protected $languages;
Do you have something in mind how to solve the problem? I think about the problem of CASCADING.
Thanks to everyone.