PriorityQueue is not a SortedList
or SortedDictionary
. This is a sort of sorting implementation, where it returns the top M results (your PriorityQueue size) of N elements. You can add InsertWithOverflow
as many elements as you want, but it will only contain the top M elements.
Suppose your search resulted in 1,000,000 hits. Will you return all results to the user? The best way would be to return the top 10 items to the user (using PriorityQueue(10)
) and if the user requests the next 10 results, you can perform a new search using PriorityQueue(
and return the next 10 items, etc. This is the trick of most search engines like google.
Everytime Commit gets called, I can add the result to an internal PriorityQueue
I cannot uncover the relationship between Commit
and search
. Therefore, I will add an example using PriorityQueue:
public class CustomQueue : Lucene.Net.Util.PriorityQueue<Document> { public CustomQueue(int maxSize): base() { Initialize(maxSize); } public override bool LessThan(Document a, Document b) { //a.GetField("field1") //b.GetField("field2"); return //compare a & b } } public class MyCollector : Lucene.Net.Search.Collector { CustomQueue _queue = null; IndexReader _currentReader; public MyCollector(int maxSize) { _queue = new CustomQueue(maxSize); } public override bool AcceptsDocsOutOfOrder() { return true; } public override void Collect(int doc) { _queue.InsertWithOverflow(_currentReader.Document(doc)); } public override void SetNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase) { _currentReader = reader; } public override void SetScorer(Scorer scorer) { } }
searcher.Search(query,new MyCollector(10)) //First page. searcher.Search(query,new MyCollector(20)) //2nd page. searcher.Search(query,new MyCollector(30)) //3rd page.
EDIT for @nokturnal
public class MyPriorityQueue<TObj, TComp> : Lucene.Net.Util.PriorityQueue<TObj> where TComp : IComparable<TComp> { Func<TObj, TComp> _KeySelector; public MyPriorityQueue(int size, Func<TObj, TComp> keySelector) : base() { _KeySelector = keySelector; Initialize(size); } public override bool LessThan(TObj a, TObj b) { return _KeySelector(a).CompareTo(_KeySelector(b)) < 0; } public IEnumerable<TObj> Items { get { int size = Size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) yield return Pop(); } } }
var pq = new MyPriorityQueue<Document, string>(3, doc => doc.GetField("SomeField").StringValue); foreach (var item in pq.Items) { }