I developed a piece of n C # software.
And I have already implemented a way for customers to update software with a single license key.
Individual license keys (32 characters) are calculated based on some hardware that are unlikely to change (a lot).
All this works very well.
However, now I want to implement a volume license.
Basically, I want the client to be able to license software on different (unlimited) machines with only one key (therefore, I cannot use hardware checks for this).
What will be the approach for this?
There are some things I can think of:
- Hardcode 1 license key in software that always works
- Create custom enterprise programs on demand with their hard-coded license key (not quite what I would like to do)
- Make some function / algo / something that will check the correctness of the entered license key (and still be able to use different keys for one enterprise and 32 characters).
The latter option would be preferable, I think.
However, I cannot find a way to check whether the license I entered is a valid volume license.
I'm not looking for a way to completely stop piracy of my application, just an easy way to implement a volume license.
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