Best way to mark a countdown timer

I am trying to achieve something similar to what is shown on the next page:

Basically a countdown timer.

I am a little sure that this is the best way to mark this.

Can anyone help?

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2 answers

I assume you can use microformats or an html 5 time element:

 <time date="2011-10-31">2011-10-31</time> 

Perhaps with the pubdate (Boolean) attribute, define the time as the publication date:

 <time date="2011-10-31" pubdate> 

You may need to wrap individual components in span , perhaps every day, hour, minute, second ... as an individual counter, so that:

 <time date="2011-10-31" pubdate><span class="year">2011</span>-<span class="month">11</span>-<span class="day">31</span></time> 



There should be enough to decide how to do it


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