Converting from geographic coordinates to geomagnetic coordinates

I am trying to convert geographic and geomagnetic coordinates. I found the following Prolog script, but I don't understand it enough to convert it myself. The target language is Java, but everything is clear (excellent, C, Python, VB).

If someone can either help with the conversion of this script, or explain exactly what he is doing (these array operations are puzzling me), I would really appreciate it.


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2 answers

Depending on the application, altitude can be an important variable in this coordinate transformation, since the geomagnetic coordinates are a representation of the Earth's dipole magnetic field.

In Python, you can easily convert geographic coordinates to geomagnetic (and vice versa) using SpacePy ( ).

Since you are looking for source code to convert to Java, SpacePy is introducing the Fortran International Modelation Belt Environment Modeling (IRBEM) library, the source of which is available ( )

In Python, in case others are looking for a quick solution:

import spacepy.coordinates as coord from spacepy.time import Ticktock import numpy as np def geotomag(alt,lat,lon): #call with altitude in kilometers and lat/lon in degrees Re=6371.0 #mean Earth radius in kilometers #setup the geographic coordinate object with altitude in earth radii cvals = coord.Coords([np.float(alt+Re)/Re, np.float(lat), np.float(lon)], 'GEO', 'sph',['Re','deg','deg']) #set time epoch for coordinates: cvals.ticks=Ticktock(['2012-01-01T12:00:00'], 'ISO') #return the magnetic coords in the same units as the geographic: return cvals.convert('MAG','sph') 

I did this for python code and tried to check using this website . I found that

  • The magnetic pole is the year 1995.
  • Even if I set the above calculation to use the value for 1995, I did not quite understand correctly.

I used the value for Kyoto, Japan (35 N, 135.45 W). Web page calculation (25.18, -155.80). I got (25.33580652, -155.82724011). Therefore, I am not entirely sure that this can be really used ...

 import numpy as np from numpy import pi, cos, sin, arctan2, sqrt, dot def geo2mag(incoord): """geographic coordinate to magnetic coordinate: incoord is numpy array of shape (2,*) array([[glat0,glat1,glat2,...], [glon0,glon1,glon2,...]) where glat, glon are geographic latitude and longitude (or if you have only one point it is [[glat,glon]]) returns array([mlat0,mlat1,...], [mlon0,mlon1,...]]) """ # SOME 'constants'... lon = 288.59 # or 71.41W lat = 79.3 r = 1.0 # convert first to radians lon, lat = [x*pi/180 for x in lon,lat] glat = incoord[0] * pi / 180.0 glon = incoord[1] * pi / 180.0 galt = glat * 0. + r coord = np.vstack([glat,glon,galt]) # convert to rectangular coordinates x = coord[2]*cos(coord[0])*cos(coord[1]) y = coord[2]*cos(coord[0])*sin(coord[1]) z = coord[2]*sin(coord[0]) xyz = np.vstack((x,y,z)) # computer 1st rotation matrix: geo2maglon = np.zeros((3,3), dtype='float64') geo2maglon[0,0] = cos(lon) geo2maglon[0,1] = sin(lon) geo2maglon[1,0] = -sin(lon) geo2maglon[1,1] = cos(lon) geo2maglon[2,2] = 1. out = dot(geo2maglon , xyz) tomaglat = np.zeros((3,3), dtype='float64') tomaglat[0,0] = cos(.5*pi-lat) tomaglat[0,2] = -sin(.5*pi-lat) tomaglat[2,0] = sin(.5*pi-lat) tomaglat[2,2] = cos(.5*pi-lat) tomaglat[1,1] = 1. out = dot(tomaglat , out) mlat = arctan2(out[2], sqrt(out[0]*out[0] + out[1]*out[1])) mlat = mlat * 180 / pi mlon = arctan2(out[1], out[0]) mlon = mlon * 180 / pi outcoord = np.vstack((mlat, mlon)) return outcoord if __name__ == '__main__': mag = geo2mag(np.array([[79.3,288.59]]).T).T print mag # should be [90,0] mag = geo2mag(np.array([[90,0]]).T).T print mag # should be [79.3,*] mag = geo2mag(np.array([ [79.3,288.59], [90,0] ]).T).T print mag # should be [ [90,0]. [79.3,*] ] # kyoto, japan mag = geo2mag(np.array([[35.,135.45]]).T).T print mag # should be [25.18, -155.80], according to # this site using value for 1995 # 

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