Install ADT on Eclipse Indigo

On Eclipse Indigo 64-bit, I tried installing the ADT (Android Development Tools) plugin version 15.0. But I get this error:

Cannot complete the installation because one or more of the required items may not be found. Currently installed software: general profile ( Missing requirement: General profile ( requires' org.maven.ide.eclipse] ', but he could not be found

Do I need to install an eclipse dependency?

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6 answers

I installed eclipse in / opt as root. I had this exact problem.

This seems to have something to do with permissions (yes, great error message, I know).

I just installed plugins during eclipse startup as root:

user@computer ~$ sudo eclipse & 

The problem is solved!

EDIT: Instead, when you install it, you can change the ownership of the eclipse files so that you do not have to run the superuser every time you want to install the addon.

 user@computer /opt $ sudo chown -R user eclipse/ 

This is an Eclipse error, see

You do not need to be an administrator to install additional plugins ...


Ok ... this solved my problem:

  • Open eclipse
  • Choose Help> Install New Software> Available Software Sites.
  • Make sure that "" is checked.
  • Then enable the option "contact all update sites .." on the "Install new version" page.

You must be tuned!


Try to enable the option "Contact all update sites .." on the "Install new software version" page.

However, ADT should not be dependent on epp packages unless you have other software installed with Eclipse. Make sure you are using one of the following versions of Eclipse: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Eclipse Classic (version 3.5.1 and later) Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Follow the instructions after that.


Run Eclipse with administrator privileges ... If on Windows, right-click and select run as admin


Try downloading the SDK archive and follow these instructions, it worked for me.

  • Download the ADT plugin zip file (do not unpack it):
  • Launch Eclipse, then choose Help> Install New Software.
  • Click "Add" in the upper right corner.
  • In the Add Repository dialog box, click Archive.
  • Select the downloaded file and click OK.
  • Enter "ADT Plugin" for the name and click "OK."
  • In the Available Software dialog box, select the Developer Tools check box and click Next.
  • In the next window, you will see a list of tools to download. Click "Next."
  • Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.

If you receive a security warning indicating that the authenticity or validity of the software cannot be established, click OK.

Finally, when the installation completes, restart Eclipse.


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