C1 uses Webforms to host its content, so you canโt do anything what you are doing now in your webforms project. You can use Webforms Masterpages as templates for your content, and routing is fully supported either by adding as many custom routes as possible, or simply redefining the default page c1 route. Or rely on PathInfo Api , where the unsurpassed parts of the URL will be available for use on the page that matches the longest part of the URL. You can also use Razor (.cshtml) in C1 if you like this new Microsoft syntax.
You can also rotate things and choose to render content from C1 on your existing pages. This code shows how a standard WebForm.aspx page can be used to render content from a specific page in C1
public class BaseContentTeaserPage : Page { private Guid _pageId; protected PlaceHolder plc; protected override void OnPreInit(EventArgs e) { _pageId = Guid.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageId"]); using (new DataScope(PublicationScope.Published, new CultureInfo("en-GB"))) { using (var data = new DataConnection()) { PageRenderer.CurrentPage = data.Get<IPage>().Single(p => p.Id == _pageId); var urlData = new PageUrlData(PageRenderer.CurrentPage); urlData.PathInfo = Request.QueryString["pathInfo"]; Context.Items["C1_PageUrl"] = urlData; } } base.OnPreInit(e); } protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { using (new DataScope(PublicationScope.Published, new CultureInfo("en-GB"))) { var content = DataFacade.GetData<IPagePlaceholderContent>().Single(p => p.PageId == _pageId); var helper = new PageRendererHelper(); var mapper = (IXElementToControlMapper)helper.FunctionContext.XEmbedableMapper; var doc = helper.RenderDocument(content); var body = PageRendererHelper.GetDocumentPart(doc, "body"); addNodesAsControls(body.Nodes(), plc, mapper); if (Page.Header != null) { var head = PageRendererHelper.GetDocumentPart(doc, "head"); if (head != null) { addNodesAsControls(head.Nodes(), Page.Header, mapper); } } } base.OnLoad(e); } private static void addNodesAsControls(IEnumerable<XNode> nodes, Control parent, IXElementToControlMapper mapper) { foreach (var node in nodes) { var c = node.AsAspNetControl(mapper); parent.Controls.Add(c); } } protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { var markupBuilder = new StringBuilder(); using (var sw = new StringWriter(markupBuilder)) { base.Render(new HtmlTextWriter(sw)); } string xhtml = markupBuilder.ToString(); using (Profiler.Measure("Changing 'internal' page urls to 'public'")) { xhtml = PageUrlHelper.ChangeRenderingPageUrlsToPublic(xhtml); } using (Profiler.Measure("Changing 'internal' media urls to 'public'")) { xhtml = MediaUrlHelper.ChangeInternalMediaUrlsToPublic(xhtml); } writer.Write(xhtml); } }
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