Here is part of the picture. The rest should be easy to figure out.
%# define the ring phi = linspace(0,2*pi,360); innerRim = [cos(phi)',sin(phi)']; outerRim = [cos(phi)',sin(phi)']*1.3; xRing = [outerRim(:,1),innerRim(:,1),innerRim([2:end,1],1),outerRim([2:end,1],1)]'; yRing = [outerRim(:,2),innerRim(:,2),innerRim([2:end,1],2),outerRim([2:end,2],2)]'; %# create some data. 0 for black 0.5 for gray. %# RingData has a value for each degree ringData = ones(1,360) * 0.5; ringData(25:30) = 0; ringData(77:80) = 0; ringData(240:255) = 0; %# plot the ring %# for an outer ring, add 1 to xRing, yRing figure patch(xRing,yRing,ringData,'EdgeColor','none'); set(gca,'cLim',[0 1]); axis square axis off set(gcf,'color','w'); %# plot three arrows at the origin hold on, qh=quiver(zeros(3,1),zeros(3,1),[0.4;0.3;-0.5],[0.7;-0.1;0.3]) set(qh,'LineWidth',3)