This is a known issue . This is actually caused by question 1937 . In short, the annotation scanner contains randomly specific Glassfish-specific code that causes it to not work with basic servlet containers that do not come with built-in annotation scanners such as Tomcat and Jetty. This is fixed in 2.1.1.
So, to solve your problem, you need to upgrade to 2.1.1. Currently the latest version is 2.1.3, I recommend upgrading to the latest version. See also the Mojarra page for all information about Maven pom.
A completely different alternative is to replace Tomcat with a more complete container, such as Glassfish. This will give you, among other things, the advantage of EJB / JPA support out of the box, so that you can easily and easily create business services, complete background tasks, interact with the database using oneliners, etc.
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