PyCharm JavaScript Links Through .js Files

I am currently facing a problem that I am facing, where I cannot reference functions and variables from one JavaScript file to the next. I tried to add all the JavaScript files as a library to "File-> Settings-> JavaScript-> Libraries", but without success - I still get a gray underline for links, for example, with a hover message that reads "Unresolved function or method" .

It’s strange if I moved a copy of JavaScript files outside the directory of the subordinate project, and then add this external link to the project in “File-> Settings-> JavaScript-> Libraries”, then the links are found, but this solution is not satisfactory because these files JavaScript is updated daily with subversion (we are in development)

Does anyone have an understanding of my problem? If I don’t do it right, let me know. What I ultimately want to do is link variables and functions from specfic JavaScript files in all my JavaScript files so that I can easily follow the recommendations (ctrl + leftclick) to ensure that the parts are installed correctly together.


(PS I am using PyCharm 2.5)

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