I am using CodeIgniter 1.7.1 . My allowed URI characters are set as such:
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'az 0-9~%.:_()@&\-';
When I type in an address, for example http://website.com/index.php/controller/method/test%21 , the page does not load and gives me an error:
Igniter Code: An error has been detected. The URI you sent is forbidden characters.
I do not understand. %20 (space) is allowed, but %21 (exclamation point) is not.
% 21 to make out! in the encoder. Therefore codeigniter does not support this, please! to the allowed uri cofig file:
$config['permitted_uri_chars'] = 'az 0-9~%.:_()@&\-!';
try doing it with this that should work
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1410782/More articles:HTML text area tab support - javascriptCSS margin issue - htmlClass NotFoundException: org.apache.xml.serializer.TreeWalker - xmlHow to automate hg bisect - expand to follow common ancestors? - mercurialAdding content type to pear mail - phpCan you reorder fields in the Jira? - jiraStart a transaction or get started - mysqlEclipse - Android GUI Designer is incredibly laggy and intense - androidSharedPreferences.Editor.commit () - androidChange all font sizes in Eclipse - eclipseAll Articles