How to stretch a jsf panel horizontally

I have a single line bar as the title of the welcome page. It has 5 elements. The first two are information, the third is a command link, and the last two are command buttons for changing the language.

I want - to have in one line - to have it at full screen width; - have two right buttons aligned on the right edge of the screen - have the first three elements (cells / columns) aligned on the right side, with a small defined space between them.

I tried the following:

<h:panelGrid columns="5" columnClasses="top_column1, top_column2, top_column3, top_column4, top_column5" style="width: 100%"> <h:outputText value="#{msg.LoggedAs}:" /> <h:outputText value="#{userManager.loggedUser.username} / "/> <h:commandLink value="#{msg.butLogout}" action="#{userManager.logout()}" style="color: white" /> <h:commandButton action="#{languageOfSystem.changeLanguage('en')}" image="/resources/icons/usa_24.png" title="english" /> <h:commandButton action="#{languageOfSystem.changeLanguage('pl')}" image="/resources/icons/poland_24.png" title="polish"/> </h:panelGrid> 

with css as follows:

 .top_column1 { font-weight: normal; } .top_column2 { } .top_column3 { width: 78%; } .top_column4 { width: 24px; } .top_column5 { width: 24px; } 

And it turned out like this: enter image description here But nevertheless, this was achieved by determining the width of the third column, therefore, if the messages have different lengths, then instead of two or two they will go into a mess. How do I format a panel grid to achieve what I want?

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1 answer

Add the CSS white-space property with the nowrap value to .top_column1 .

By the way, it could be better than a table with two columns, where the 1st column is 100% wide and the second column contains these language buttons. Or just use the div and float the language buttons to the right.

